Zena McGrath is a detective working
for an International Police Organisation at their Dublin Office. A routine day
is turned upside down when she receives a call from her boss in the New York
A number of Catholic Priests have died in mysterious circumstances, the latest
being an Irish Priest based at the Vatican. The Vatican authorities claim the
deaths are due to natural causes. Brian Evens; Zena’s Superior officer based in
New York tells Zena she must fly to Rome and meet a high-ranking Vatican Priest
to discuss the case.
When Zena arrives at the Vatican she is greeted by Cardinal Donatello, a
mysterious figure who has responsibility for training priests in the secretive
and highly dangerous art of Exorcism. He reveals to Zena that the Priests who
have died were all Exorcists and takes her on a shocking visit to see a Priest
who is possessed by evil spirits.
Cardinal Donatello reluctantly reveals the seriousness of the problems the
Vatican is facing in the eternal battle between good and evil and Zena herself
has a chilling encounter with a demonic presence. Although shocked and
disturbed by what she has seen at the Vatican, Zena is persuaded by Cardinal
Donatello to allow the Vatican Authorities to fight the evil in their own way
and not pursue her investigation.
Zena convinces Brian Evens that there is nothing to investigate at the Vatican
and prepares to return to Dublin, only to be summoned to New York when another
Catholic Priest is discovered brutally murdered. Zena flies to New York with a
Bible given to her by cardinal Donatello and an evil presence following her
every move.
During the course of the murder investigation in New York Zena is persuaded to
take part in a Satanic Ritual in order to let her see into the past and reveal
the murderer of the Priest. Whilst in a trance she sees the people responsible
for the crime and the shocking truth leads her back to Rome and the culprit.
Cardinal Donatello is deported to New York to stand trial for his part in the
crime and during the course of the trial the whole shocking truth of the
Catholic Church’s battle against evil and the extent of satanic worship is
revealed to the incredulous world. Cardinal Donatello is found guilty of his
crimes and the revelations spark worldwide revulsion against all forms of
religion, something that Zena with her insights into the world of Satan had
warned of.
Zena returns to Ireland as the overthrow of world religions gathers pace to
find peace and to try and rid herself of the evil spirits that are haunting
her. Her quest leads her to the Holy Land in an attempt to find God and inner
The events in the Holy Land lead to a climactic and shocking finale to this
tale of good against evil; the second coming of Jesus Christ.